Sallie Felton, Life Coach, Weblog

May 8, 2012

My ‘today’ breakthrough is in the area of Perseverance. – A wonderful review!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , — Sallie Felton @ 3:28 pm

My ‘today’ breakthrough is in the area of Perseverance. 

I realised that the reason I fail so many times is the fear associated with: ‘completion & then having to chose the next task’ (letting go?) and that is also about persevering with the whole of the organisational thing.

Hence to persevere and actually complete means having to chose another thing to do, fear rising from having to make that decision means more clutter in my head & therefore I have won: I don’t have to do anything else, I can sit down & feel afraid, of nothing of course, then I can B/S myself I have achieved as the part of me which chooses clutter has won another victory.

WOW. I didn’t know that was going on until I started writing to you, please share the above ‘Uh-HUH’ moment with those who might identify. You are very good for me.


“As a third generation Collector of very useful Stuff, I am very able to identify something which is really good. I have lived for over Fifty years surrounded by things which have had their day and yet are still here. Having tried, and failed, so many ways to clear my life, my house, my car and especially my head of extraneous bits I have never given up. I admit to slowing down, after all I have a lot of weight I carry with me. Then I see a book which strikes a chord. If I’m so smart, and the tests tell me I am at genius level, then why can’t I get rid of the clutter in my life? At last someone has answered that question. My Smart has been outsmarting itself, and gotten clogged down. Sallie Felton has written THE book which has assisted me to continue, not just start, the process which allows me to clear my head, my heart and my house and go on to keep the clarity in my life. My gratitude is immense; I owe this lady my sanity, she has my heart, my thanks”




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